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Increasing your chances for lifelong success

With an array of traditional and online graduate programs, UW-Eau克莱尔 offers a bevy of courses at the master's, educational specialist and doctoral levels, each designed to greatly advance your education. Departments and faculty provide thorough, 详细的类, that draw from real-world experiences and academic rigor. 这些努力和更多的促进智力发展,并提供必要的专业优势,在众多专业和我们的全球社区中脱颖而出.

As a Blugold, I learned to take on new things and to always be curious. 这个世界充满了想法,成为布鲁戈尔德教会了我,如果我不去做,别人会去做.

凡妮莎Raye Master's in Business Administration

马上申请! Graduate Assistantship Positions for 2024-2025

申请2024-2025学年研究生助教奖学金或研究生基金奖学金的优先日期为3月1日, 2024; however, 申请将继续收集,直到所有GA职位和奖学金被授予为止. 符合条件的学生也可以申请2024-2025年(包括2025年夏季)的高级机会计划。.
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  1. Doctor of Nursing Practice (Post-Baccalaureate), DNP 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 混合动力 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    我们认可的护理实践博士(DNP)计划是那些拥有护理学士学位并希望建立在现有教育和经验基础上的人的绝佳选择. 我们的支持, 专家教师在这里帮助你完善你的技能,提高你的知识与一个有影响力的和严格的课程.

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  2. Doctor of Nursing Practice (Post-Master's), DNP 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 混合动力 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    我们认可的护理实践博士(DNP)计划是那些拥有护理硕士学位并希望建立在现有教育和经验基础上的人的绝佳选择. 我们的支持, 专家教师在这里帮助你完善你的技能,提高你的知识与一个有影响力的和严格的课程.

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  3. Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology, EdS 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在校园 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    Become a problem solver, critical thinker and effective collaborator with a specialist degree in school psychology. Take your career to the next level and help children thrive behaviorally, emotionally and academically with your certification.

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  4. Master of Arts in History, MA 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在校园 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    历史硕士研究生课程是为那些希望增加历史背景的人准备的, and for those who intend to do further advanced work in history.

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  5. Master of Arts in History - Public History, MA 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在校园 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    我们的历史艺术硕士-公共历史课程通过熟悉博物馆工作,为学生提供广泛的职业选择, historic preservation, archives and other public history subfields.

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  6. Master of Business Administration, MBA 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在线

    Develop your leadership skills, learn strategies for managing the day-to-day operations of an organization, and discuss how global agreements and changing technologies affect the conduct of business. 我们的认证和创新的在线课程将帮助您和您的职业生涯继续向前发展.

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  7. Master of Business Administration - Healthcare Management Emphasis, MBA 项目类型: 研究生项目; Graduate Certificate 交付: 在线

    学习 more about Master of Business Administration - Healthcare Management Emphasis.

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  8. Master of Communication Sciences and Disorders, MS 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在校园 交付: 在线 校园: 欧克莱尔校区
    Students in the CSD graduate program studying in the classroom

    把你的沟通科学和障碍(CSD)学士学位提升到一个新的水平,获得CSD硕士学位. 我们的认证课程将为您提供在您未来的职业生涯中脱颖而出的语言病理学家所需的技能和经验.

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  9. Master of Education in Professional Development, ME-PD 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 混合动力 校园: 欧克莱尔校区


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  10. Master of Public Health, MPH 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在线 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    Coming fall of 2024, 我们的课程旨在帮助您为有效改善人们和社区的健康做好准备.

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  11. Master of Science in Athletic Training, MS 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在校园 校园: 欧克莱尔校区
    Student taping an ankle during a 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 soccer game

    Prepare to become an athletic trainer with a master's degree in athletic training. Through clinical experiences, impactful research and interprofessional practice, our rigorous program will give you the skills you need to succeed.

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  12. Master of Science in Data Science, MS 项目类型: 研究生项目; Graduate Certificate 交付: 在线 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    This program, designed with input from industry leaders, is fully online. Start pursuing your master of science in data science now and enter the growing, in-demand field of data science.

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  13. Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, MS 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在校园 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    Beginning in the fall of 2024, you can pursue your master's degree in exercise physiology at UW-Eau克莱尔.

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  14. Master of Science in Nursing, MSN 项目类型: 研究生项目 交付: 在校园 交付: 混合动力 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    在高级专业护理中担任领导角色,拥有护理学硕士学位(MSN). 我们认可的课程旨在为学生在成人老年学或家庭健康护理方面做好准备, 给他们所需的技能,以改善病人护理,并在他们选择的职业中取得进步.

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  15. Nursing Education or Administration (Post-Master's) 项目类型: 研究生项目; Graduate Certificate 交付: 混合动力 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    Designed for registered nurses who have completed a master’s degree in nursing, you'll gain role preparation in education or nursing administration. Take your leadership skills to the next level!

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Graduate certificates

  1. Director of Special Education and Pupil Services 项目类型: Graduate Certificate 交付: 在线


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  2. History - Special Topics 项目类型: Graduate Certificate 交付: 在校园 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    历史研究生证书课程是为那些想要扩大自己在特定历史领域的能力和知识的个人提供的. 该计划旨在根据学生的具体需求或兴趣提供灵活性. 研究生证书强调在某一特定领域的专业化和知识深度.

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  3. Master of Business Administration - Healthcare Management Emphasis, MBA 项目类型: 研究生项目; Graduate Certificate 交付: 在线

    学习 more about Master of Business Administration - Healthcare Management Emphasis.

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  4. Master of Science in Data Science, MS 项目类型: 研究生项目; Graduate Certificate 交付: 在线 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    This program, designed with input from industry leaders, is fully online. Start pursuing your master of science in data science now and enter the growing, in-demand field of data science.

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  5. Nursing Education or Administration (Post-Master's) 项目类型: 研究生项目; Graduate Certificate 交付: 混合动力 校园: 欧克莱尔校区

    Designed for registered nurses who have completed a master’s degree in nursing, you'll gain role preparation in education or nursing administration. Take your leadership skills to the next level!

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Why choose UW-Eau克莱尔?

  • U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告一直将威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校列为中西部地区顶尖的公立大学之一.
  • 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校是研究生院理事会的成员机构,并获得中北部学院和学校协会的认可.
  • 商学院MBA课程被AACSB国际认可为具有创新性和创造性.
  • UW-Eau克莱尔 offers flexible graduate programming. The Master of Business Administration (offered through the UW MBA Consortium) and the Master of Science in Data Science degree programs are fully online; the online Communication Sciences and Disorders degree program is a part-time, 3年计划, which only requires one short visit to campus each year; and the Master of Education in Professional Development degree is a blended weekend and online program that is mostly online, 它只需要每月一个周六的面对面会议(提前提供时间表)。.


  • 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校是研究生院理事会的成员机构,并获得中北部学院和学校协会的认可. 
  • 商学院的MBA课程已被AACSB国际认可为具有创新性和创造性.
  • The Master of Science (M.S.威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的言语语言病理学住院和远程教育项目获得了美国言语语言听力协会听力学和言语语言病理学学术认证委员会的认可, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, 罗克维尔市, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700. 
  • 护理学硕士和护理实践博士课程由大学护理教育委员会认证, K街西北655号, 750套房, 华盛顿, DC 20001, 202-887-6791. 
  • 学校心理学课程由全国学校心理学家协会认证.
  • Forms and Documents Find important graduate studies student forms and documents.
  • Graduate 学费和杂费 学习 more about the cost of tuition and fees for our graduate programs.
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